Monday, February 17, 2014

Old(er) pics from my phone and an update!

I haven't typed anything in so long on the blog, I thought I'd give you an update on the last couple of months.  They've been a blur!  When we got home from Christmas in Kentucky (we put 2800 miles on the minivan), we headed to Frisco for Fleener family time.  When we got back all three kids had double ear infections, each a week apart so that took up most of our January.  
Brooks is pulling up and crawling fast.  He enjoys finding little Barbie pieces and beads on the floor to put in his mouth.  Drew is 3 and still obsessed with Buzz Lightyear and Princess Belle.  Drew has quite the personality!  Sloane is 5 and loves her first year of skiing and also learning to spell.  She is asking more and more questions everyday.  

Sorry for any duplicates.    

 Brooks is hoping to become a great golfer just like Aunt Emma.

 Christmas in Frisco with all of the Fleener cousins!

 Christmas in Paducah!

 We visited the Buffalo Bill Museum at Lookout Mountain.

 Sometimes laundry takes over the whole house!

 The Fleener boys must stick together!

 Brooks started pulling up and standing before Christmas.  We are in big trouble.

 Beautiful Sloane.

 Going sledding.

 Cutie mountain boy!

 NU love.

 Cozy time.

 Brooks and Nola - future BFFs.

 Attacked Daddy's desk at an office visit.

 Dress up playdate with Anna.

 "Princesses always wear makeup"

 We built a snowfort on Papa and B's deck.  The snow has been amazing this winter!


 Sloane is ready for Winter Olympics 2026.

 Drew and Max's playdate.  

 We went to Build a Bear for My Little Ponies.

Sunday, February 16, 2014